Bath time is quite possibly Bean's favorite time of the day. She's always loved water, and when it gets to 5:30 in the evening she knows its time for her bath and will often take my thumb/pants/hem in her little fist and literally drag me down the hallway to the bathroom. However, as with everything in life we all like a bit of variation, so lately i've been trying to think of ways to give bath time a little twist (as much for my own sanity as for Bean, because one can only sing "Three Little Ducks" so many times before you want to send those duckies somewhere REALLY far away).
Bean has been experimenting with art and craft a lot more in the last month or so, and I thought bringing some colour into the bath might be fun...
...So I added food colouring...
She loves to watch it swirl around in the water...

...and mix it in...

...until the whole bath is coloured :-)
This could also be achieved using non toxic washable water colour paints, available from most craft shops, for those who would prefer not to use food dyes.
Another way i've found of bringing art and colour to bath time is a product I bought on line for under $10 - Bath Crayons! Bean LOVES these, and they're so easy to use and easy to clean, they literally wipe off the tub with just water and a cloth, leaving no residue at all. Can't recommend these enough!
Bean in the bath this evening drawing very enthusiastically...
Tonight's finished masterpiece! :-)
Sweet dreams everyone...
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