Friday, 29 March 2013

Glowing Egg Hunt!

Another Easter post just in time! Unfortunately I've been slowed down by my health this week so didn't get to put this up this sooner. However, this is really something that's fun for any time of year and particularly now we're heading into shorter days (here in the southern hemisphere) there's more opportunities for little ones to play after dark!

I got the idea for this alternative egg hunt from this post over at Play At Home Mom, and i'd been waiting a year for Bean to be old enough to try it! It's a fantastic alternative to a chocolate egg hunt for those concerned about the Easter sugar overload, and it's also great sensory play for little ones.

All it requires is:

  • Plastic eggs (Available at dollar stores and supermarkets this time of year)
  • LED lights (Available on ebay here and at Big W)
  • A bucket or basket (From the sandpit!)

They don't look all that exciting before the lights go on but then....

...TAADAAAA! :-D So beautiful.

And the LED lights are super easy to do, you just take one out of the packet, twist to turn it on, and pop it into an egg...

...easy! Now to hide the eggs...

I chose to confine the hunt to one room so that i would have the time to set it up without being interrupted!

And since Bean is still very little and it was pretty late, I chose easy spots to hide the eggs...

Turn out the lights and let the hunt begin!

I didn't get many photos as it was so dark and I really just wanted to focus on guiding Bean through it, but I can tell you it was definitely worth the wait!

Happy Playing!

B xx

1 comment:

  1. that's a really great idea - and little bean looks like she's having a great time 'hunting'
